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  • Campy Creatures

    Campy Creatures

    It's man vs. monster but you're the monster in Keymaster Games' card game of horror groupthink.

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  • 5-Minute Dungeon

    5-Minute Dungeon

    Spend five minutes reading this article, then spend another five playing 5-Minute Dungeon.

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  • Kokoro: Avenue of the Kodama

    Kokoro: Avenue of the Kodama

    For some reason the guardians of nature don't like too much nature. Clear the brush aside to play and to get a better look at Kokoro's new theme.

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  • Before I Kill You, Mister Spy

    Before I Kill You, Mister Spy

    "The name isn't...uhm, anyone you'd know. But I am still pretty good at the spy game. Why don't you tell me your plan?" The plan is players play supervillains taunting their "helpless" prisoners with a they succeed?

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  • Star Realms

    Star Realms

    "Good things come..." so they say, but can Star Realms back it up? Open the little box and find out in this two-person deck-builder set in space.

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  • Exploding Kittens

    Exploding Kittens

    Cats don't have nine lives in Exploding Kittens, they have . . . well, it takes up to five players and four kittens explode. Huh. Seems like there are nine lives in the game after all.

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  • Looting Atlantis

    Looting Atlantis

    Why would anyone leave a sweet retreat like Atlantis without taking with them some advanced creature comforts to make a smooth transition to living with the natives next door? Looting Atlantis gives players the chance to grab for the high-tech brass ring as the continent sinks.

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  • Grand Austria Hotel

    Grand Austria Hotel

    Welcome to - well, it will be the Grand Austria Hotel as soon as someone determines which player has the grandest hotel in Vienna.

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  • Rhino Hero

    Rhino Hero

    Look, up on the skylight! It's something way too big for that skylight to support! It's . . . Rhino Hero! Never mind whether he can save the day, can you build him a tall building to leap from?

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  • Stuff and Nonsense

    Stuff and Nonsense

    Can you outlast other globe-trotting adventurers? No need, forget all that. Can you out-pretend others who claim to have gone on real-life excursions? Stuff and Nonsense is your chance to find out . . .

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