set Archive

  • Donut Shop

    Donut Shop

    Everyone knows doughnuts are good, chocolate doughnuts are good, crullers are good, but Donut Shop, the new game from 25th Century Games . . . is it any good? The hot light is on, come on in and find out.

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  • Sushi Boat

    Sushi Boat

    You're hungry for a game and Japanime Games is serving lunch. Is it worth your hard-earned yen?

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  • Looting Atlantis

    Looting Atlantis

    Why would anyone leave a sweet retreat like Atlantis without taking with them some advanced creature comforts to make a smooth transition to living with the natives next door? Looting Atlantis gives players the chance to grab for the high-tech brass ring as the continent sinks.

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  • FLY


    If you love picnicking but hate the flies, Perplext is offering a chance for revenge. It's all the joy of an outing but without the mess . . . or perhaps more accurately it makes a different kind of mess.

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  • Lanterns: The Harvest Festival

    Lanterns: The Harvest Festival

    Fill the warm summer nights with the gentle glow of Lanterns: The Harvest Festival. Is the game tougher than its trappings?

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